I was wondering how you were doing. I had to bite the bullet and give Marlow one nap. I've pushed her A to almost 5 hours in the morning. Yesterday she had a EW at 430 and, after I gave her milk, she still stayed in bed and whined until almost 6am. She slept from 6-7 and went back down at 1145 to 115pm. Bed was at 7pm and she slept until 230am. She woke because I didn't give her another dose of pain meds at 1am like I usually do. I knew she couldn't possibly be hungry so I didn't give into her demands for milk. It took her an hour to fall back asleep. She woke at 6 and she seems tired so I'm going to follow her cues and put her down when she starts rubbing her eyes. I'll try to get two naps today so she can catch up.