Well, she woke up yesterday in a really bubbly mood!! She hasn't really eaten much for the last couple of days, so her stomach is still probably a bit unsettled, but her mood has been great!!
She napped for one hour yesterday from 12.15 until 1.15, so was in bed by 6.30.
I woke up at 7.20 this morning wondering what the matter was!!!! i deliberated about going to check on her and started to get dressed when she woke herself up at 7.30!!! I was amazed!!

Her eating is still not the best today, so she's probably sleepy from being a bit poorly. I've followed her cues and she was ready for bed and in her cot by 12.20.
So i will just see how long she sleeps for this afternoon. Even with only an hour nap that still makes a decent bedtime of 6.20-6.50 depending on her cues.
ETA: She woke up after a 50 minute nap!! Booo! I don't know if i misread her cues or what. Bedtime at 6.30 tonight. Short naps i don't mind, as long as she sleeps in the night. I can cope with at least an hour, so 50 minutes isn't far off. Maybe it was due to the loooong night she had.
The timer arrived yesterday, but i will avoid using it unless she goes back to waking early once i know she's feeling better and is fully caught up on her sleep. At least i have it now.