I have posted before about this but need more help. My LO turned 3 months on the 24th (or is now 13.5 weeks) and she is EBF. During the day at her daycare they have to attempt her bottle up to 3 times to get her to drink more. I provide 4oz bottles, they try to feed her on a 3-hour schedule. During the time she is there, she gets 3 bottles, everyday the amounts she drinks at each feeding are different. From the first bottle she may take 2oz, then they reattempt 30 minutes later, she may or may not take more, if so, maybe only 1/2 an oz. And this repeats for all 3 bottles. She was doing this when she was on the 2-hour schedule and is still doing it on the 3-hour, so it is not like she is not hungry. I have changed the type of flow and nipple, I also provide a blanket that smells like me.
In the book they say to add an oz to the bottle to get them to take more during the day, well, if she will not drink more than 8oz during the time she is at daycare, how can I get her to drink more. I feed her before she goes to care, her first bottle with them is 3 hrs later, I have to still cluster feed her before bed, we give her a dreamfeed because she wakes up hungry during that time anyway....
Please help....