Hi Ladies,
Thanks for responding. To clarify (before the last 8 weeks or so) DS was sleeping in his crib 85% of the time, though we had to rock him to sleep first. He regularly woke 2-3 times for a drink and needed to be rocked to sleep again. There was a brief period of two weeks where after WI/WO we could put him down awake, but we got off track after an illness. That was about 5 months ago!
So what's been happening is that he's given a bottle, then rocked to sleep and goes down pretty well (i.e. doesn't waken the instant he's laid in the crib). Then for subsequent wake-ups I try not to pick him up, just to hug him, rub his back and tell him I'll stay with him until he falls asleep. I tell him to lie down, that I'm here for him. This is going pretty well, unlike Friday night's attempt (which consisted of letting him cry for 5 or 10 min and returning to hug briefly and exit without picking him up, so our version of WI/WO-we tried for an exhausting 3 hours!).
So standing by his crib, rubbing his back or holding his hand can take him up to two hours to finally fall asleep for good. He'll fall asleep, but if I stop rubbing his back he'll jump right back up again within a minute or so. Last night I slept beside the crib on the floor, with my hand through the bars so he could hold it and/or rub his head against it. He kept popping up frequently to make sure I was still there. I am pretty exhausted but at least this way he doesn't cry or scream (sometimes I want to though). And then at 4:15 he woke up yelling, and thrashing in the crib, and even picking him up didn't console him. We even tried bringing him into our bed (I know, I know, but we were desperate to find out what was wrong). He writhed to get out of your arms, but once you put him on the ground he'd roll and thrash away madly. We're stumped. Anyways, I gave him some tylenol (his two upper eye teeth are just poking through, as well as his two upper molars, and his lower left canine gum area is swollen) and my DH rocked him to sleep because by this time I was too tired! He woke an hour later, and DH couldn't get him back down so up they got at 6:15. We drove him to daycare at 8:45 and he fell asleep in the car, so clearly a tired boy.
Our routine before all this was:
7:30ish wake and breakfast
8:30 dropped at daycare
12 he'd have a nap, anywhere from 45min to 1.5 hours (would always sleep longer at home with me in the same bed)
5pm we'd pick him up and eat and play
7pm bath, massage, bottle
7:30pm asleep
So he's in his own crib but still not sleeping any more restfully than when in our bed, and quite frankly, neither am I. I do feel better about not letting him cry the night away, but I don't know how much longer I can cope without sleep. This waking up screaming thing has been going on the last few weeks too.