Hi again
I just posted on your other thread, but am now seeing here the answers to some of the questions I just posted!
Re the water, I offer water to F at every meal and let him have as much as he wants. He doesn't usually take a lot, but you said it's very hot where you are so your DS might want a bit more. I think it's ok to give him as much as he wants at this point.
Ok, so the thing is, we all hate the idea of LOs waking out of hunger and want them to eat as much as they can during the day so they don't get hungry. The problem with this is, we can't make them eat if they don't want to.
I struggled with this with F for months as he just didn't really want to eat anything, and he was waking often out of hunger.
At 10mos I think you can give up with the spoon if he won't eat off it. (obviously use it for yogurt or custard if he's still enjoying those). But the minute he refuses to eat his meals off the spoon, just get rid of it. There is no point fighting and possibly creating problems with eating. Focus on finger foods at this point. Anything can be a finger food if you get creative.
Here is a link about this kinda of stuff:
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=70142.0I think the key to getting picky or fussy babies to take interest in food is to take a more relaxed, no fuss approach. If your guy seems like he doesn't want to eat, just say "it's ok, you eat when you're ready". Of course keep offering, but don't push.
I know this doesn't solve the hunger-at-night worry, but it's a step in the right direction. To get them eating more during the day they first have to want to eat, and for that to happen often moms have to back off and let baby have a little more control.