My DD#3 is 10.5 months and still eating 10 oz at night (waking twice for two 5 oz bottles). DD#2 was also MPI (milk, soy, egg, and most grains) and didn't STTN (12ish hours until about 12 months) and we're going down the same road with dd3. However, with dd2 she was had a very difficult time growing due to bottle aversions. DD3 is a large, healthy kiddo (21lbs at 10 mos) and surely, SURELY she can sleep longer than 4 or 5 hours. It seems like her stomach bothers her at night
Maybe I'm guessing and she's just used to sleeping on a full belly?
Anyway, we are T-I-R-E-D of getting up multiple times/night. I thought maybe hearing from you all will either allow me to lessen my expectations of her or encourage me to be stronger and try not feeding her at night.
She eats about 20-24 oz during the day and eats 3 meals of meats/veggies/fruit.
I am all ears!