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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #60 on: April 13, 2011, 10:12:16 am »

{{{hugs Becky}}}

Have just read and caught up on your thread and the one in general sleep too. 

I think from what I have read there are a few separate issues that need some work to get things on track.  I think you are right in that it is becoming a routine issue as opposed to a naps issue so if you want me to lock and link your threads let me know. 

I think you get through your thesis defence and give yourself the weekend to relax and catch up and then have a think about the best way forward.

When you're ready we can all help you get back on track.   


Offline aidenmc

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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #61 on: April 13, 2011, 18:03:05 pm »
I saw my other one was locked. Thanks Cadie's mum! We are still struggling with major OT. I am just exhausted. I will be back to get this all sorted. The goal was to start sleep training after my thesis defence - maybe next week. He is so OT now that I know it would be easier if I could get him better rested but that is proving difficult these days. There are so many issues now I guess. Should I start a new thread or continue here do you think? I have received such good support here, well everywhere on this site, really. I am sure I will hit the pu/pd board as well. Definitely not looking forward to the changes that have to be made, but I know I can't go on much longer like this.
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #62 on: April 13, 2011, 18:50:37 pm »
One last question before this thread gets locked. When your DS has an EW, what do you do? My DS is having a string of them at the moment (transitioning to one nap, teething, etc) and when it happens, I don't get him up but instead lie next to him until he falls asleep again. Sometimes it takes him 2hrs, but at least I'm telling him that his day isn't starting until 7am. The 2hrs that my DS lies there is considered 'quiet time' for him. If I were watching A times, then the clock starts once he is out of bed and into another room.


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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #63 on: April 13, 2011, 19:10:45 pm »
I am a bit limited in what I can do because he is so dependent on us to fall asleep and back to sleep right now iykwim. So my first effort is to try to get him back to sleep in my arms, with the boob, whatever, right now. It is usually pretty clear that that won't be happening pretty early. A while back, when we first were having EWs I would try for up to 1.5 hrs to get him back to sleep. One time I succeeded and it actually messed up our whole day as he was back to sleep until just after 7 which was later than his usual, naps were at weird times, etc.

Anyway, so now I will try to get him back down. I sometimes put him back in his crib in the dark for a while. He will play for a bit but eventually wants out. I often get him up by about 5:40ish and bring him to our bed with his little portable night light. He will sit there for a bit till dh gets up just after 6. Then he goes downstairs with dh sometime after about 6:15. I am not set on a 6am wakeup at all - would much prefer 7, but I know that's hoping for too much. The thing is, right now the earlier dh takes him, the earlier I can get back to bed for a bit more sleep as I am currently up every hour or two throughout the night. The morning is my chance to catch another 1.5 hrs while dh takes the boys downstairs.

On another note, can you advise where it's best for me to go after this is locked? General sleep as there is so much going on? Thanks so much to you and Jan for all your help. I know the set naps are for us and I appreciate your help in getting us there.
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #64 on: April 13, 2011, 19:25:33 pm »
I completely understand about getting more sleep in the morn when you can since nights are terrible.

I would suggest the NWs board (more specific) as that seems to be the biggest issue for you right now. The mods will have some ideas for you to start and then you might head to a different board.

I'll follow along once you post in case I can give any ideas, especially if I think you need to adjust your set naps.

I'm glad I could help you and best of luck tomorrow!!!

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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #65 on: April 13, 2011, 20:49:25 pm »
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

Offline Shiv52

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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #66 on: April 13, 2011, 20:50:52 pm »
This thread doesn't have to be locked hun.  YOu can keep going here but you may get more eyes if you start a new thread.  If you do I would probably post on the EASY board as I think it is a routine issue and i think you need to come up with a plan on how to go forward with the set naps, how to deal with teaching independent sleeps and weaning props, what to do if there is an EW etc.  I think you are better keeping all that info in one place rather than having a prop ones for the feeding to sleep and then a NW one etc as the info is all important in how you handle each thing IYKWIM?   I'll leave this thread alone until you decide what you want to do xx

Good luck tomorrow xx

(And I don't think a 7am is too much to ask for!!  We have (and always have had an 8am wake up here!)  5/6am would not go down well with me!)

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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #67 on: April 13, 2011, 21:21:06 pm »
Becky - I haven't read all of this but just wanted to say we had a run of this with Megan at about 9 mths. Went on for a good few weeks and what worked in the end was DH APing her back to sleep. She wouldn't do it for me but he found he could rock her down and then we would get another 30-60 mins out of her. After about a week she started to wake, babble a bit, and then go back down.

Then I shifted her bedtime back a bit as I still only get 10.5-11hr nights so that I can get a 6am wake-up.

I can't really get super early bedtimes to work as I need to bath the 2 kids together etc. I only have one pair of hands  :P.

At 9ish mths I also realised that 3+ hrs day sleep was too much for her. She does much better on about 2.5hrs divided however over 2 naps.

FWIW I pretty much do set nap times with Megan as well, and have done for a long time now. She has essentially napped at the same times since she was about 3 mths old, just dropped the CN along the way. But I think she would have continued EWing for forever unless I had cut her daysleep a bit.

So many ((hugs)) to you. I so wish this was over for you all by now  :'( :-*.

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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #68 on: April 14, 2011, 15:24:10 pm »
gosh this sounds like such a tough time - I know this is probably not going to be a solution for you but thought id throw it in there anyway!

I did PU/PD for all EWs after battling them for what felt like forever - I realised I had to get tough and stop the cuddling/rocking/BF that I was doing which was not working anymore - by doing the PU/PD DD realised that she wasnt getting anything exciting by waking and after about a week or so it was solved - thanks to alot of help from anna! it was the toughest thing I had ever had to do and I nearly caved in after the third day but then she started to get it and stopped crying and it would take just 2 or 3 PD ...then for future ones I did WI/WO which worked a treat ...

I will see if I can find my old thread - though I understand if it isnt for you - its just that that week of hell gave me my life back and from then on I always had a method that she come to expect when she woke early which helps alot when you get the next lot of EW otherwise Id have just been in circles of just solving it then getting back off track so forever fighting...

I remember clazzat also helped me alot with set nap times and they really are the way forward if you can get something that works...

massive hugs to you - this is such a tough stage and sooo draining on you - i really feel for you...

mind you I must add that currently with my 14 wk old DS im cuddling/feeding always AP to sleep so maybe il be needing my own advice in months to come!!!lol!! ;D

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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #69 on: April 16, 2011, 15:14:17 pm »
Well I just posted on the EASY board with all the info. My thesis defence was a success which is great, but S is still seriously OT. Having some tummy issues as well which is not helping his nights. Still trying for those set naps and this morning after a 5:30 wake (after many many NWs, one of which was 1.5 hrs of crying, screaming and gas - think it's the gas, Ot contributing too I think). He was again very tired this morning but slept 1.5hrs from 9:30. I know he will be tired by about 1 o'clock. I hold out till 2 but he has been short napping at this time (after requiring more help to get to sleep). Even with my help he hasn't been going longer than 45 mins to 1hr. I know he needs more as his nights are hovering around 9 hrs, minus all the shorter NWs.

Not sure if I should be posting here still after my new one on the EASY board?
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

Offline jackman

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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #70 on: April 16, 2011, 16:43:19 pm »
Glad to hear all went well for your thesis Becky.

If your DS is short napping, it could mean he is OT. Is he sleeping at least an hr15min? Anything less for us would mean OT. Shoot for 1:30pm if you think it is OT.

It is up to you if you want this thread locked, but it might be good to keep all your issues in one spot. Your call. Good luck.


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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #71 on: April 17, 2011, 20:42:36 pm »
Glad things went well with your thesis!

Offline aidenmc

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Re: Daylight savings, EW, catnap question
« Reply #72 on: April 17, 2011, 23:41:40 pm »
Thanks both of you  :). I guess this should be locked, but I really appreciate all the nap help and general support you have given me.  :-*
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)