Author Topic: Desperate-please help Starting EASY-3 wk old Some Q's  (Read 710 times)

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Desperate-please help Starting EASY-3 wk old Some Q's
« on: October 28, 2011, 20:15:53 pm »
Im currently reading the book as much as I can while also caring for my 3 wk old..Hes 3 wks this tues and was born at 6.15oz so we will follow the easy 3 hr schedule..IHes bottle fed on formula. I would like reassurance on how this works to make sure Im doing it correctly...first am feeding roughly 15-20 mins then activity for a maximum of 30 mins(includes changing diaper bouncer or swing talking etc-) then the sleep part is what Ive been having extreme difficulty with the last 2 days...when we are done with the A should i swaddle him if its in the day? His bassinet is upstairs in my room and I havent started to use his crib yet but we want when Im in my living room Ive been putting him in the rock n play but again I should start using his crib after A...this is where I need help Im undecided of how our day routine should go in terms of where to let him sleep. Should I try to cluster feed or just leave it at a 3 hr schedule for now until hes a little older? I feel like I know the info but its putting it together that Im having trouble with. Can someone please help me on how they would approach it. Also in the middle of the night the 2 am feed Ive heard no A at all no diaper change unless you smell poop correct?

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Re: Desperate-please help Starting EASY-3 wk old Some Q's
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2011, 20:26:10 pm »
Hi there :)
I'm *really* not an EASY expert, but here's what I did with DD2 (DD1's easy was non-existent) So yes I swaddled day and night, and put her upstairs awake but sleepy in a darkened room with loud white noise (a cd) for as many naps as I could, or just aim for 1 nap a day at least to be in these "bedtime" conditions. I fed 3 hourly thru the day, let her go longer at night (maybe 5-6 hours) but this didn't last long anyway, by about 4 weeks she was feeding far more frequently anyway (bf) In the night I did always change nappy, not sure what the general consensus is on that one. Don't worry too much about the "a" in so much as often a feed and a nappy change is as much as they can handle when they're so teeny! It's just important to focus on some sort of awake time after feeding so you're not creating a feed-to-sleep prop (apart from NWs) HTH xx
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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