I can understand the thinking with the younger staff, and them not being moms, but I don't always think it has a lot of validity. When I was teaching in preschools (kids aged 3-6) none of the teachers were parents, all were young(ish) and many fresh out of university. My DH and I were both (if I can say this!) fantastic teachers and neither of us had ever really been around kids before. We had energy, excitement, enthusiasm and time on our hands to make resources and dream up activities and do planning. And I find sometimes "momsy" types can be a bit "well I have had kids myself and so I know everything" and you can't talk to them or explain anything because they feel they have seen it all and know it all. Obviously that is not to say that they are all like that, young or old, but I don't think it is a reason to discount them and their abilities. My DS's kindergarten now has two classes, one has two young teachers (I'd put them at younger than 25 for sure!) and the other class two older teachers (in their 40s, both with teenage kids) and in no way are they "better" - each set of teachers has their own strengths. One thing we like is that they all compliment each other and together make a well-rounded team.
For me, rather than the teachers, I think that the overall leadership and direction of the centre is more important. So not really whether you like the director or not (because really there is not much interaction between parent and director in a lot of cases) but in whether the staff like and respect her/him and if she leads them well, motivates them well, has good set policies and procedures and management skills. If you have a good director that works well with staff then the older momsy type will be motivated and excited and the younger inexperienced ones will be momsy if I am making sense?
Good luck with your decision, I hope Ollie loves it!!!