I know E is a toddler but this is defense a prop issue I need help with.
We found out today that there's a good chance that E has sleep apnea. She is almost blocked from her nose which has lead to tons of nw's because she can't breathe well enough with her paci. I don't know when she'll have her adenoids removed as we don't even have an ENT appt yet so the paci has to go

She has fallen asleep without it before so I know she can do it I'm co-sleeping once she wakes at night just so we can get some sleep. BBut I don't want to become the new lovey iykwim. She has a bear she loves so I'm thinking of bringing that in for the cuddles. For the most part she will go to sleep independently, but I do usually rock her because I want to, so I think I'll keep that up with the bear and keep this as gentle as possible.
I've done the Pantley's Gentle Removal Plan