Thank you so much for getting back to me.
The night waking hasn't been since 8 weeks- it started about a week ago. I just feel like her best night sleep was between 8-12 weeks. From then, it has gone downhill.
I am very, very confused about what to do. I feel a bit frozen as I have been reading and reading trying to figure it all out and I think I have overwhelmed myself. Undertired, overtired, growth spurt, props, bad habits, ARGGGHHH! Ok... sorry for the vent.
So she is now 15 weeks old, but she was three weeks early so she is developmentally more like a 12 week old.
A typical day looks like this:
Wake and eat: 6:30am
Activity: 6:45am
Sleep: 8:00am (Will sleep soundly for 45 minutes and I can usually extend the nap to 1.5 hours)
Eat: 9:25am
Activity: 9:40am
Sleep: 10:45am (This nap is much harder to extend. Sometimes, I just can't get her to stay down for another 45 minutes and this is where the day takes a turn.)
E: 12:20 am
Activity: 12:45
Sleep: 1:40 (This nap is nearly impossible to extend. I try very hard to shush/pat, but she just won't sleep more)
Activity: 2:30
Eat: 3:20
Today, after this 3:20 feed, she fell right back asleep, so I let her sleep. I figured that she needed it.
And this is how the day will progress. The morning goes well, the afternoon and night goes all crazy. I still try to get her in bed for the night by 7:00pm no matter what.
Last night, she woke at 10:30, 1:30, and 4:15 before finally getting up at 6:30. Each waking, my husband tried to shush/pat to get her back to sleep. After about 10 minutes, when it was obvious that she just wasn't going to settle without being fed, I went in to feed her. She is exclusively BF.
I have read many times that 45 min naps mean UT, but she seems overtired to me if I try to extend her A time.
I'm so confused. Is this just normal 3 month old behavior/development? Any help would be much appreciated.