Thanks for getting back to me! Yes we do swaddle, and he slept very well at night with it on. Naps in the other hand are another story...he will go down ok then the hard part is keeping him asleep for more than 20 mins...
I don't think he is coming down with anything...
So it has been hard to write down his full day due to his random sleep in our arms for those two day.
A-1.5 hours
S-30 mins
A-1 hour
S- 50 mins but woke up 3 times
S- not actual time due to only wanting to sleep in our arms almost for the rest of the day on and off
A- bath @6 pm
S- 7pm
Next day
E- 6:35
A- 1 hour
S- 1hour also very interrupted
A-1 hour
S-40 min interrupted
A-1 hour
S-1 hour
S-2hours 40mins in my DH arms on and off...
A- lost tract of routine....
S- 6pm took 3hours for him to finally get to sleep
Through the night he normally wakes up at 1am and 4am and 6 am for a feeding. I am struggling his morning feeds lasting longer than 2 hours...I am very tired!!
His daily activity involves snuggles, songs, floor time, bouncy chair and his music swing.
In the last 30 hours or less he has not had a bowel movement which is odd. He normally has 3-4 bowel movements per day.
Also do all of his naps at this age need to be taken in his bassinet???
Before the last few days feed durring the day were lasting about 2.5 to 3 I feel I am feeding every 2 hours...maybe a growth spurt??