my son takes from 15 mins to 30 mins feeding it varies with him. if he is full he wont take any more and if i force him he will leave the bottle in his mouth. when he is hungry he moves side to side or sucks his fingers but sometimes wakes up and after about 5- 10 mins he cries for milk. I cant tell to be honest if he's uncomfortable, sometimes if he needs winding after a feed, he does get agitated.
he naps are all over the place at times but mostly has naps 1.5-2 hourly in morning and in evening around 5,6ish he doesn't settle keeps waking up and is unsettled. i have tried the dummy but does seem to like it. he will only take it if he's hungry and sucks really hard.
yes i have read the book and am still trying to make EASY work..its okay in mornings but when it is afternoons and evening..i don't know how implement it. how much should my son sleep and how long should he sleep during day naps?