Author Topic: Not hungry for first feed of the day  (Read 957 times)

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Offline RedSH

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Not hungry for first feed of the day
« on: September 19, 2012, 08:56:55 am »
Hi, not sure if this is the right place for this so please move if not!

My 8 week old DD2 is fab, really pleased with how easy EASY has been with her. It helps that she's great at self settling (DD1 was a nightmare!)

At night we put her to bed at 7pm with a bottle at 6.45pm (typically she drinks 3-4oz). I then give her a dreamfeed at 10.30-10.45 (she drinks 6oz) and she sleeps until 5am, which is amazing.

At 5am I just give her a 3oz bottle to keep her going til the 'morning' which is usually between 7-7.30 (when DD1 gets up).

But the last few days she has not been interested in her morning bottle, she's been drinking only 3oz - compared to the 4-5oz during the rest of the day.
I'm thinking she maybe doesn't really need the 5am bottle and its that which is affecting her 7am feed?

How do I go about cutting out that 5am feed without upsetting her?
I thought perhaps I could very gradually reduce the amount of formula, so still use 3oz of water but only put in 2.5 scoops and then every few days reduce it further - is this likely to make a difference?
The hope being that she will then take more at 7am.

Any advice would be greatly received  :)

Offline Lolly

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Re: Not hungry for first feed of the day
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 20:59:12 pm »
At 8 weeks old I really wouldn't start reducing feeds by watering down, she's too young for it really and you need to be careful about how much extra water they get at this age.

Have you tried just resettling her at 5am? I would just ride it out though, if she's going until 5 am that is amazing at 8 weeks so she may well sleep longer soon. Just top her up when she wakes to get her through her first EASY cycle and she should take a better feed at the next E time.
