Hello again..... Just thought I'd give a quick update and ask a couple of questions again.
For the most part I think everything is going well. Wakeups anywhere between 6:30am-7am, and BT between 6:30pm-7:30pm (depending on nap length).
Two weird things that are still going on are short naps......I'm fine with an hour nap if he's had a 12 hour night, but sometimes, like yesterday, his nap was only 1 hr 15 mins after an 11 hr night. He did fine until BT at 6:45, his mood was good. But I just worry about OT. Which leads to the other weird thing...Wakeups in the night with crying.
We went up to the mountains and stayed in a cabin a few days ago and he had a long NW again with crying. From 12:30am-4am! UGH! He went to bed just fine, but woke up crying and it was a huge struggle to finally get him back down. It could have been that it was a new place, and it was very cold (the next night we closed the outdoor shutters and layered him with another set of pjs and kept the heater on a higher setting and he slept 12 hrs).
Then his nap at the cabin was weird. He woke after 45 mins crying and I finally went in after a couple of mins since he wasn't settling like he usually does. I comforted him and left. He fussed off and on for 20mins but then slept another 45 mins.
Then, two nights at home here just fine, no issues. But last night he woke at 10:30pm crying and tried to settle himself but couldn't. I went in and held him and thought it could be his molar (even though he's not showing any fussy behavior at all), so I quickly gave him ibuprofen, but that wasn't the issue because after I held him for a min or two, I walked out and he settled down just fine and went back to sleep quickly. Then at 6:30am he woke up crying again which he never does after a full night of sleep (he got close to 12 hrs).
I can't find the chart online for the wonder weeks, but I know there's one at 64 weeks and he's now 66.6weeks (used age calculator online). I thought he'd be through it by now.
Do you think it's developmental? Or OT? I feel like we're coming out on the other side with regard to the 2-1, as it's been over three weeks and he seems to be adapting to it well. But maybe a touch OT? He still never gets to a 13 hour day yet. It's mostly 12.5 hr day.
I feel I have been going into his room soooo much over the last 3 weeks since the 2-1 to comfort, etc. Something that we never had to do much of at all up till this point. I'm worried also about him developing sleep props and needing us to come into his room now.
One other thing I was wondering is if I should use a night light? His room has always been dark, no lights, just white noise. He goes down for sleep just fine, and wakes up in the morning laying in bed happy just looking around (still dark in there). Except for this morning.
Thanks again,and sorry it's so long.