Sorry for the delay replying - the phone and computer are triggers for bad behaviour with DS1 and both boys have been up through the evenings with a nasty cough so no time to get online until now.
DS1 is 3.5ish. 4 in February. He was having a 2hr nap up until about six months ago when it just wasn't fitting in around preschool. We were having a lot of behaviour issues back then too which looked like OT to me despite him getting at least 2hrs nap a day plus 11 to 12 hours sleep a night (his sleep has always been a bit complicated mind you). With preschool starting the nap worked out too late for him to get a decent sleep in and he was waking up miserable. DH was pushing to drop the nap and it was a source of real tension which I didn't think wad helping his behaviour. We were on a 6 - 6.15ish bedtime back then - he is an early waker who woke even earlier with a later bedtime. We started having NT's so pulled BT back to 5pm on advice from Skatty. It stopped the NT's but DH has never been happy with moving further away from a later BT (his dream is to see DS after work and get up later in the morning). Previously if we have tried to nudge him round by even just 5 or 10 minutes the NT's have started up again.
With the NT's he *wakes* screaming and will look straight at us but with hid eyes glazed and very dilated. Sometimes he will wake and want comfort sometimes bit. We found that if we just observed and let him go back ti sleep he was waking with one every hour so DH lifts him and takes him into our room (in an effort not to disturb DS2) rouses him just a bit (he calms quickly with the milder ones but with the bigger ones he could be a while. Generally if he can wake him he will be calm and go back to sleep with a bottle). When we were trying to just watch and use soothing phrases he would repeat them over and over until around 4am when he would wake and refuse to sleep again. They are fairly unpredictable and we were getting them in patches. They usually start anything between an hour to five hous of putting him to bed although he has had them as late as 3am (wasn't a nightmare - he didn't recognise DH or me and kept screaming for Daddy with the glassy stare. They are often triggered by the sound of DS2 crying. With the recent BT change he didn't have them to begin with then they started again with the beginnings of a cold (we always have more when he is ill). I gave him a homeopathic remedy a couple of nights ago and they stopped again (but bog standard wake ups continued).
He is a semi independent sleeper. When DH does BT he has to stay in the room but when I do BT we do milk during a story, then a couple of short BT books (always the same ones) after milk is finished. Kiss goodnight. Short protest some nights but usually not (asks me to stay but I say I need to get W ready for bed) close door. Silence. He is always asleep very quickly if no one stays in the room. Once asleep though he won't settle on a NW without falling asleep on a bottle. We have very heavy wetting in the night but this was already an issue before DH started giving him milk in the night (I used to end up with long periods where I would need to WIWO through the night then he'd sleep for a few weeks then back to WIWO again.
We've seen an ENT on a hunch (my parents stumped up for us to go privately as the GP wasn't interested) as he used to have a lot of ear infections. He confirmed that there was a high level of fluid/pressure in one ear but insisted that that's quite normal at this age. Tonsils and ad anodises aren't large enough to cause an agesobstruction/apnea. My feeling is that his ears are probably largely to blame for the sleep and behaviour.
Dropped the afternoon nap at just a year! Very resistant to it even in the car.
A 9am nap isn't possible unfortunately as we have the preschool run. Sometimes he will start dropping off on the way home (15 min drive each way) but if I keep him awake so I can lay him in the cot the earliest he will sleep is about 10. He won't transfer from car to cot if he drops off. Should I let him fall asleep in the car and just keep driving to get a 20 min catnap out of him (if he drops off in the car it'll usually be about 9.30ish) and then do the main nap at 1? (12.30 won't be possible because of our pickup times). How long should that later nap be? (The last couple of days he has been going down at 10.15 and I've had to wake him for the preschool run just before 12).
I managed to get a lunchtime nap earlier in the week when we have a day at a preschool that is slightly closer (we split our hours between two schools). He was up all morning then down at 12.45 but hard work to get off (bribes aplenty to keep DS1 quiet) up at 1.30
. Needless to say he was a mess by 4pm so I hurried tea time along and got him to bed for 5 but we had a lot of wake ups. He has come out with a horrendous cough so that could be making him extra OT but... I think you are right that we need two naps at the moment but I'm struggling to find a spot that fits his clock and does nt clash with drop off or pickup. DS1 always had a stronger morning nap and W has always leaned the same way - don't know if that helps fathom him out a bit.
We finally had a visit from a specialist HV for DS1's behaviour and they have said they will work on his sleep and getting rid of bottles which should help but I am super scared of the resistance we are going to get, especially with DS2 being such a light sleeper!
Thanks so much for your help with this. Sorry for all the rambling.
I think my main question at this point is whether it is ok to make the am nap slightly later to fit in with preschool and do it as an APOP car nap and how long does it need to be?