Thank you jess. Hmmm I am not sure... I really do not know but I do not know what to do... last night she woke up but I resettle her very fast so she was sleeping and I could not because of noisy neighbours

. That was the first night after I do not know how many weeks....
This night first she started to cry and could not resettle and I took her in my arms for ten minutes, returned to the crib. She was trying to fall a sleep and suddenly just start to turn on the tummy and do push ups

she look like a turtle and just turning around, started to move her hand with the paci uncontrolled like she is nervous (I can not find word in english sorry) and now she is completely awake, but in the bed mood... I fed her - she just snacked. DH is there just laying next to the crib and I am in the living room.
It is getting tiring to be obsessed with schedule, timing, sleeping, overstimulation and all these things and the constant result is night party in the good or bed mood.

Sorry but I needed to vent