Ok, pretty sure she's not growth spurting right now.
Today she had half hour in cot, cried to get to sleep, and white noise. Managed to extend to another half hour using white noise again.
Second nap half hour again, and again extended half hour in cot, then half ish hour in car.
Third nap only 20 mins I think, although either woke is of wind or because the white noise stopped! Couldn't extend in cot, put in sling and went off again there. Is it bad to use the sling too much? I have to when I have both children but that's not the case today.
Don't actually know what I'm asking, lol.
Should I change how she goes to sleep? I put her in her cot and generally she cries but not too badly for about 10 mins. And use white noise. Not really sure how else to do it?
Is half hour under or over tired?