Our DS has just hit the dreaded 18month mark so I'm hoping this is all just developmental, but am looking for reassurance! The last few nights he's been waking up inconsolable until I or DH go in there and lay a hand on his back. He still takes up to an hour to get back to sleep this way, as we go out thinking he's asleep then he starts up again, then tries to play - it's become a bit of a farce! The last two nights as well we have put him down at BT and he's started crying (something he never does as he's a very good night time sleeper) until DH goes in and lays a hand on his back. At BT it usually takes a few minutes for him to fall asleep and then DH leaves the room. The last week or two as well he's been getting uncontrollable rage fits when he doesn't get his own way (on which we never give in), and the cry he gives when he wakes up in the night sounds a lot like his temper one ('why haven't you come in yet!!'). We try to leave him at night but he ends up getting worked up, but i'm conscious I don't want to start a habit as he's usually a very independent sleeper - so independent in fact that I think that's why we find it hard to help him back to sleep on the NWs. I'm pretty sure he is now getting OT as well, as we try to stick to set naps at 12.15, but the last few mornings he has woken at 5.30, down at 12 then slept for 1.5 hours. We put him to bed at 6.30. Here is our last few days EASY:
WU 6.30 (after 2 hour NW from 1.30-3.30 - DH had to sleep on the floor in his room in the end)
Nap 12-1.45
BT 6.30 - DH had to go in after 15 minutes as he was crying
Woke at 9.30pm, crying his "temper" cry - left it 10 minutes then he started getting upset so DH had to go in. Finally fell asleep at 10.45
This morning
Awake 5.30 - got him up at 6
Nap 12 - still asleep
He's done the NW thing a couple of times in the last week. He's been teething pretty much for a year and it has never interrupted his sleep before so not sure if that is it. Does it sound like something we just have to ride out? I'm worried about creating a prop by going in his room but I don't want to leave him crying. Would you recommend sticking to the set naps? Sorry for all the questions but it seems like he's turned into a different baby overnight and I'm panicking!
Hope you can help x