Hi everyone, I'm pretty sure this question has probably been asked somewhere but i cant find it so sorry if I'm repeating!!
My 7 week old dd is sleeping through her 9pm cluster feed, is this a problem, should she be more awake, I'm also doing the DF at 11pm,so its like I'm doing two dfs!!!
Also, she was doing really well on EASY but the last couple of days she struggles (or i struggle) to get her to go 2 1/2 hours between feeds, and from about 3pm she barely manages that!!
So today went like this:
Woke up @ 6.30
E 6.50
S 8.00
E 9.15
S 10.30
E 11.50
S 13h
A 13.30
S 14h
E 14.45
S 16h
E 17.15
She is now sleeping and then the plan is to feed at 19h,bath cuddle and bed,then feed at 21h and df @ 23h,
Am i totally off track and screwing everthing up??
Usually she then wakes at about 3am and if i can get her settled properly, ie, all wind out!!! Then she will go to 6:30,7 if I'm lucky!!
Her naps have been all over the place today, she is usually quite a good napper but we went out and that always seems to through her off but the last few days the evenings have been along these lines!!
Sorry if I'm babbling!!