Hiii.. don't worry you were abit late but least u got here in time for the next night
I did try what I thought was pupd and I never got to pd lol I ended up singing him to sleep in my arms. He woke as follows. .
1200 settled in arms
0100 wouldn't settle at all ended up feeding
0330 settled in crib
0510 tried settling until 6 but nothing worked ended up feeding
Wu at 7 brought him into my bed n we both just fell asleep until 9
Result= FAIL!!
Can I do pupd if he is teething? As I think he might be..
Also when he wakes at night his cry has a high pitched squeal to it. Im not sure if hes in pain or just frustrated.
During the day and bt I usually settle him in his crib but still needs to be patted to sleep.