So confused....
Ds2 has been an ok night time sleeper until recently. he has been waking every 1h 40 min at night after his first stretch of sleep which is about 3-4 hours. I honestly don't know what to do. He is able to fall asleep without nursing, but nursing has been the only thing that can calm him down in the middle of the night. I don't think it is a growth spurt, because he is waking like clockwork every hour 45. Sometes hell take a full feeding, other times just nurse a little and fall asleep. We have tried shh pat for half hour and he won't calm down.(other times he falls asleep with 5-10,min of it). We've tried pu pd also but he just cries harder and it's too heartbreaking.
I know his day is not perfect, but he's a horrible napper and I need to work around my toddlers schedule. He used to be able to transition through sleep cycles at night, but it seems he has lost that capability. He cannot transition at all during the day, and all naps of longer than 45 minutes have been in the swing. He wakes happy after 45 minutes most of the time, but I can almost never resettle. He usually ends up taking 3 short naps, and one longer nap a day. Sometimes it's 4 short naps. He seems to need to nurse to calm down in the nigjt and I'm not sure what to do.
Current easy is something like this:
Wu: 630
E: 715
S: 845-930 can't pd any earlier than this cause need to drop off ds
S: 11-1145
E: 12 or 1245 (need to pick up ds in between)
S: 115/130-3 i resort to all sorts of ap to extend this nap(not nursing, usually rocking or swing) and am usually successful.
Cn: 445-515 also ap a lot of the time
E: 530
BT: 630 ( usually try for another feeding here but he is too tired to wait for milk to let down)
He usually calmly goes into his crib, used to just fall asleep. Now he'll play quietly for a little while, start getting fussy, eventually escalate, and then I will nurse him around 7 or 715 and after that he goes right back to sleep. He is ebf.