My LO refused meat or fish for a long time even though he very readily tried anything from 6 months old. I switched breakfast to a protein meal, making omelet or sausage almost every day for months to get protein into him. He would happily eat it then and I no loner worried about his unbalanced diet so it took the pressure off of lunch and dinner. He's gradually started trying different things, a couple of cubes of lamb, a few different types of fish so long as I breadcrumb it, and yesterday even tried a very small mouthful of roast chicken after I told him I'd really like him to try just a taste of it to see what it was like. He isn't a super fussy eater but times of teething will eat almost nothing, like Becky has said, and then make up for it afterwards. Just recently (almost a year older than your LO) he has widened his diet quite a lot, many things he didn't previously like he has tried and liked. I think keeping meal times pleasant, sociable and stress free for everyone is a really important aspect of encouraging eating.
I also put everything out separately, even if we have stew, I pick out all the bits and put separate piles of each thing on his plate so he doesn’t have to pick out and discard.