There is only one local authority run nursery in our district council area, and it happens to be the one DS goes to!
He is currently in the 0-3yo section but will move up to the 3-5yo section in January when he gets his 15 hrs funding (September birthday). We were advised that to get a place we should enrol him in the 0-3 section for at least a term first (eventually we decided to put him in for 2 terms + over this summer doing just 2 mornings a week) and we got our first choice place (5 mornings) in the 3-5 section
The nursery is in the same building as the Sure Start Childrens Centre so we had been using that for ages before DS started nursery.
All the other nurseries and pre-schools around here are private, some are attached to primary schools, but afaik they start children at any time of year..
I think the problem is that Audrey was born in a boom year so there are a lot more children than places unfortunately
My DS (who will be 1 school year ahead of her) may find it difficult to get into our first choice of primary school due to this as well
If she does have to wait, is the childminder able to provide suitable activities for her which would be similar to what they do at nursery?