Hello ladies, I am very new on the board, so I hope I have written down the post on the correct section of forum.
My lovely 4 month old boy is a completely distracted baby. I am not able to nurse him when he is awake or when we are out and about. He is ebf never gets bottle. Dark room, nursing necklace, walking don't work at all. I need to rock him a little to make him drowsy so he can eat and then sleep. I tried sleeping him hungry so he would nurse when he woke up. Unfortunately after about 6 hours, I gave up and fed him. Then i tried waking him up for A time, right after feeding. He got worse on sleeping n eating since was always sleepy. He was on EASY until 14 weeks. I dont know what happened on that week.
Since he is 4 months old i want to start sleep training but I don't know how to do it. CIO or CC methods are not for me even the pedi strongly recommends it. I gave a try to pu/pd several times. It took around 1 hour and he was crying his brain out because he was both sleepy n hungry.
So I should either give up sleeping training or starve my baby to teach him self soothe.
Please help me ladies, I don't know how to solve it.
PS: Since english is not my native language, I apologize for my grammar and mistakes in advance.