One-year-olds are rather smart. She knows that if she screams long enough, she will be held to go to sleep and will not not make an attempt to settle herself. Daytime sleep and nights are completely different and require different training, too.
She might be doing well at night, but know, that if she fights long enough at a day time nap, she will be held and APed to sleep, so she will keep doing it if you keep giving in.
Try a bit more lovey-play and talk about naps with the lovey. Put her down only for one nap and don't give in, don't hold her to go off to sleep, as you will be guaranteed a shorter nap and an OT baby.
What worked for you was gentle removal, so sit next to her for nap and then move away, she has to fall asleep independently to ensure a good nap and no fright or fear when she wakes after 45 min or an hour.
How are the nights now?