I would love some insight into my EASY and new issue of 45 min naps. Baby is 12.5 weeks and angel/textbook. Past few days / week, she wakes up at 40-45 min mark, when she used to usually sleep 1.5hr. She still wakes up happy, but this throws off our EASY routine. I have tried WTS to get her past the sleep cycle transition with no success. I will often hold her for 2nd 45min or hold for entire nap just to ensure she gets a good nap. She was never a great napper - we may be partly to blame because we allow her to nap on our chest. We have finally got her bedtime routine solidified, and she used to sleep 830pm - 8 am with one 4/5am wake up, but nightwakings have increased past few days too. I should also mention that we currently cosleep but plan to move her to her own room/crib soon.
Because of the short nap, the I shorten the next A.
How do you know if 45 min wake up is due to need to increase A (I have read this all over this site) Or maybe this is 12-week / wonder week fussiness? I feel like I need to fix these short naps to get back on track
Here is our typical EASY
E 8am
A 8-915/930
S 915/930 - 1015-1030 (45m)
E 11am
A 1100-12 (1 hr + earlier A)
S 12- ? usually 45min
E 2pm
A 2-3 (1hr + earlier A)
S 3 -?
E 5pm
A 5-630
S - catnap 630-7 I find she is tired and does need a catnap since she's been up since 5pm
Bath 7
E 715
S 815-830