My 16-mos LO was going to sleep independently and sleeping through the night until this summer. With travel and visitors, sickness and teething, we have really struggled with sleep. This week he has started waking during the night again...and staying awake for sometimes 1.5-2 hours. When he wakes he stands up in the crib and bounces up and down, holding onto the rail. He is very angry and frustrated. Doesn't sound as much like a pain or fear cry. However, he screams an awful scream and is VERY upset. I am not sure how to handle this. There is no mantra to it.
When I go into his room, he wants me to pick him up and then he easily settles; I've done this the last 2 nights to be sure he wasn't soiled or in pain from teething. I've given him some teething meds, held him a few minutes until fully relaxed, then set him back in the crib. He begins screaming on the way down. I force myself to walk out.
I'm not sure what to do- he is a textbook baby, but has a spirited streak, especially when it comes to sleep. I've learned that staying in the room with him seems to make things worse. From a suggestion on this forum, I began just reassuring him with words by using the "talk back" on his monitor as opposed to entering the room. He will stand and scream for 1.5-2.5 hours before lying down and going back to sleep. It is sooooo hard to hear this, as he is really upset. In the past when he has regressed, the amount of time he is awake gradually decreases until he no longer wakes; however every time he regresses to this again, I question whether I am doing the right thing??? The first few nights when he stays awake a long time it feels like CIO, and that breaks my heart.
Help please! Any moms of spirited babies?