Honestly, it's totally a personal decision. If it's something you want to do to get through a difficult patch, then do it knowing it will have to be undone. If it's something you don't want to have to go back and undo, then it's probably best not to start. My DD would never come into our bed and fall asleep, so it wasn't an option for us and we had lots of early starts (but I was very 'by the book' with her, so likely wouldn't have chosen to bring her in anyway). My DS1 is much more of a snuggler and I often brought him into bed when teething, so that we didn't have a lot of EWs. He's quite flexible with his sleep though, so once the rough patch was over, it wasn't difficult to get him back into his bed. I explained to him that he needed to sleep in his bed and stayed with him while he resettled for a few nights (he was over 2, I think).
I do think you could push out your nap a bit, so it's happening closer to 12/12:30pm every day. The earlier nap could be reinforcing the EW at this point and the extra A time in the morning may actually help her settle at BT. And, if she's sleeping 2hr for her nap, you may not be able to expect a 12hr night anymore... 11hr would be very normal.