my boy is 3-month-old , mix feeding, used to have bottle for dream feeding (and this the only time using bottle), but he doesn't like taking bottle at that time, so I think maybe change to day time, started 2 days ago,I tried to feed him with bottle at noon time, I just want to keep bottle, but it looks like my boy is dropping bottle.
today, last breast feeding in the morning was 11:30am, 4 hours later which is 3:30pm, fed him with bottle (didn't feed him earlier because I know he doesn't like bottle, and thinking wait longer time so he is hungry then it's easier to use bottle), he only took 40ML (and it took half hour), cried--> time to sleep, I thought maybe he would be hungry after sleep,he slept 2 hours, when he woke up, it's 6:30, fed him with bottle again, only took 30ML, so in 7 hours, he only took 70ML, nothing else, diaper is dry. I tried to breast feeding after, he only took one side.
it really concerns me, how come he is not eating? if he hates/doesn't like bottle, when he is hungry, he should take it right? does it mean he is not hungry? it's impossible, it was 7 hours!!! how can a 3-month-old boy doesn't feel hungry after 7 hours???
should I keep doing this? bottle feeding at noon? if yes, what about he doesn't eat or just take tiny amount?
I really need help on this matter, your help is greatly appreciated.