Agree with all pps, especially this:
The funny thing about independence is it comes from connection, when they feel safe & connected & that you want them around & will spend time with them then they gain independence knowing they have a 'safe base' where as the more they are expected to be independent & give you space the less secure they feel & the more they need to gain that closeness & so refuse to be away from you.
Also, she either knows or can sense the new baby coming, this is a time when LOs feel even more need to establish their place right there with you and feel the comfort and security of you. It's very common for LOs to get even more 'clingy' when they know another LO is on the way.
Maybe time table your day so that there are times for full on attention and play with her, times for house chores where she helps or is invited to play with a safe house hold object right there with you, and times when you put a movie on and both chill out having a cuddle on the sofa. Pre-baby I thought TV was the devil for children...soon changed my mind! Not only because I really needed a rest/calm time and the TV provided a bit of entertainment so I could just cuddle rather than play, but also because I saw just how much my DS learned from the TV. It shouldn't be used excessively of course, but it's not the devil I used to think it was!