Hi there, so sorry you haven't had a reply yet. Can I just check your daytime routine, using A times? Is it this?
A 3h
S 20-30mins
A 4h (regardless of nap length?)
S 1-1.5h
A 3h
S approx 12h
And that was working until last week?
It may well be teething, I often find they don't like fingers/medicine syringes going in their mouths when teething, probably still worth a try to get the medicine in anyway, she'll be more comfortable in the long run
It may well be SA too, 11mo is a typical age for this
have you read this?
Toddlers: Walk In/Walk Out vs. The Gradual Withdrawal Method (HOW TO CHOOSE)However, it may well be that she just needs more comfort from you at the moment, especially if she's teething, so don't worry about giving her the comfort she needs
I know it's horrible not getting enough sleep, do you have someone who you can share the night time comforting with? If it is teething, it'll pass, and any habits you may have created can be weaned once she's comfortable again. LOs differ in what they need during teething episodes. Ours will actually push us away if we try and interfere too much, but it seems that yours may need some physical contact for reassurance at the moment.
Has she attached herself to a particular thing that you could give her as a comforter/lovey? No, there shouldn't be a problem with having one in the cot now, especially if she's able to roll and rotate around.
I agree it's probably worth trying to wean the night feeds, how often does she feed at night? How's her daytime milk and solids intake?