Bub's 20 weeks old & has been a cat napper since around 10 weeks, with the occasional longer nap. Patting to extend the nap don't work and things have been too crazy around here to do wake to sleep (esp cause, as below, he seemed aired last week).
So a couple of weeks ago my little boy's sleep was all over the place, over the following weekend he took a couple of longer naps and then the Monday and Tuesday last week I moved him to 2 hours awake time (from 1.50) and he suddenly started sleeping longer, had 1+ hours for 2 sleeps and then a cat nap. Wednesday be was back to cat napping. Thursday be had 1+ hours, 40 mins (cause his dad accidentally put him down early) and then 1+ hours.
Friday Saturday Sunday we were away and he slept in our camper so was back to cat napping - he'd always wake really happy.
He's on 2 hours awake time and I'm today starting to try to move him away from wrapping - seems to be going well and I see no signs of the startle refelx.
mondays EASY
E 7.00 (did a massive sick up a couple of hours later)
S 8.55 (went to sleep quicker than expected) to 9.35
E 10.00
S 11.35 to 12.20
E 1pm (seemed to want this feed earlier but less than 3 hours at this age seems more like it was just cause he was awake - which happens a little with the cat napping)
S 2.05 - 2.45 (put him down early to be sure to fit in 2 more naps)
E 4pm
S 4.50 - 5.30 (had trouble going to sleep for this nap)
I really thought we'd come through and stopped cat napping (for the most part!) but today doesn't look like it!
Do you think he needs another bump in A time already?
I'm just worried about doing it as, based on a 7am wakeup it's already hard to fit in a 4th nap (would be 5-5.40 based on a 2 hour awake time and 40 minute naps. And if it doesn't fix the problem he'll just end up with 40 mins less sleep per day!
He's also started waking after bedtime overtired (around 1-2 hours later, can tell its overtired wake as he screams and arches his back). Needs to be resettled by rocking to sleep or most recently feeding. He then feeds 1-2 times overnight.
Woke 6.40 (I think!)
E 7.00
S 8.47 -9.19 (overtired it seems - but perhaps I had wake time wrong)
E 10.25
S 11.26 - 12.06 (nearly 2.10 off a 30 minute nap - I had hoped this would yield a longer sleep!) he actually went back to sleep at 12.20 but for just 2 minutes! Then again at 12.26 till around 12.33...
E 1.50
S 2.10 - 3.00
E 4.25
S 5.03 - 5.45 (woke him at 5.45 to pick up his brother from childcare - would have only slept another couple of mins anyway I think)
E 6.26
S 7.20 (ish)
WEDNESDAY's EASY so far...
wake - 6.45
E 7.00
S 8.55 to 10.30 (!!!)
E 10.45
S 12.40 to 1.25
Really hoping someone can PLEASE share their thoughts re extending awake time and how I then make sure he still gets enough sleep (and doesn't end up overtired at bed time and wakes up really upset).
Many thanks!