Its been a while now since I've dropped the NFs. Its going better, though she is STILL waking at 4am.
Anyway, I think my boobs have regulated themselves too, as she is Bfing much better now. Her preference is definitely the left boob, so I always start with the right one.
I have been trying to pay more attention to her environment too, since your comments made me think that perhaps there could be more to it than just not hungry.
I have definitely discovered that when her brother (2year old) is up then getting her to eat is really hard. She is so distracted. *sigh* Papa is always off to work before we get up, so it'll just be a struggle I guess until she gets older. I do sit in the other room to feed her at which time my 2 year old likes to play with his breakfast etc.
I can see him and he knows I am feeding, so his eggs, cereals, whatever end up on the wall, his hair, etc. grrrrrrr