Hi Aebollig and welcome to BW forums
It's quite common for the day time sleep to go off track between 4 and 6 months, for my LO it was 3.5-5.5 months, a little earlier than the norm but even so I've been there and the good news is we survived
If your LO is only sleeping 20 mins I would suggest reducing the following A time to avoid her getting too OT (over tired), during our tricky time we had 4 or 5 naps of 40 mins long per day. It's hard work hey?
If you can post her EAS times, exactly as they were (not what you hopped for or planned for but what really happened) for a full day we could have a look at the bigger picture and see if we can help work out a reasonable routine to get through this difficult phase.
Could you also let us know if she is/was an independent sleeper? Does she fall to sleep in teh cot on her own or does she still need some help to do so? It's helps us to know a little about how she was sleeping before and how she is sleeping now.
The main thing as this point is to respond to her cries, so if she is crying for you then attend to her quickly, this will really help to maintain the bond of trust and ultimately will help her become more able to sleep again.
Thanks for paying it forward Cathykim, it's always great to see the community stepping up to support one another
You have great advice about that 6 month mark being a time when many improve their day sleep too, for some Mummies it's a case of hanging on in there until the 'magic switch' flips at 6 months! For others there is some times improved sleep with routine changes or with sleep training...it's a tricky time for many!