Author Topic: Baby waking every two hours 7 months old  (Read 2213 times)

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Offline torsmitch1981

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Baby waking every two hours 7 months old
« on: December 11, 2016, 08:06:24 am »
I could really do with some tips..
My son who is almost 7 months is still waking every two hours at night and I do admitidly tend to feed him as a quick 5 mins on the boob tends to send him off. Terrible habit and my own fault I know :(
His routine goes like this... (really struggled to get him on any form of routine but this is it..)

Wakes to feed anytime from 5-7am
Breakfast 8am
Sleep 9-10
Lunch 11.30am ish
Feed before sleep 12.30
Sleep 1-2.30 ish
Feed 3ish
Dinner 4.30-5pm ish
Feed 6.30-7pm
Sleep 7pm

He's great at going to sleep by himself it's the night wakings.
Weaning isn't going great either he has no interest in good really but we're still trying every meal time!

I know our routine isn't great :(
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you in advance xx

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: Baby waking every two hours 7 months old
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2016, 14:24:44 pm »
Hi hun, just wanted to drop in to say I've seen this and I will come back when my DD goes down for her nap :)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2016, 16:32:50 pm by Lindsay27 »

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: Baby waking every two hours 7 months old
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2016, 16:43:35 pm »
I actually think your routine isn't too bad hun!  The only thing I would suggest is to keep that first A time at a minimum of 3hrs, as a good first A is what is going to help stop any EW problems :)

If he's great at going to sleep by himself for naps and BT, then it's like you said, the NW are likely a result of the quick jump in to feed, and not allowing him to SS during those wakings.  It is still absolutely normal for him to need to feed at night, especially if he is a bit slow to start on solids (not to fear, it will come!), however 1-2 feeds would be considered "normal".  What I would essentially do is, if he can make it 4hrs between feeds during the day, then he can do so at night.  So during those NW, if he wakes before the 4hr mark from BT feed, then I would first give him a few minutes to try to settle himself, if he can do it in the day, he can do it in the's just a matter of teaching him and allowing him the time to do it.  If he's just chatting, fussing etc. then I would just leave him to it, if he's crying and it starts to escalate then I would maybe try some form of shh/pat or holding in the crib, maybe some gentle rocking with your hand.  Does he take a paci at all?  You just basically need to commit to settling him without feeding.  Sometimes it can be better if DH does it, as he may associate you with milk.  If he wakes at/around the 4hr mark, then it can be safe to assume it could be hunger, then feed and right back to sleep, and any other wakings from that point to the next 4hr mark, resettle with no feeds.

It won't be easy hun, there will likely be a lot of crying, but the fact he can settle himself during the day is a fantastic start.  He is just used to you jumping in and feeding at night, and the only way to curb it is to commit to resettling.  It won't happen over night, and the first few nights will be the I would maybe try over a weekend or something, so that you and DH can possibly take a nap the next day if the night is really rough.  What do you think?

Offline torsmitch1981

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Re: Baby waking every two hours 7 months old
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2016, 19:34:16 pm »
Thank you so much for your help! That all makes complete sense we shall try it! We have been a bit naughty at times and bought him in with us.. he's just gone in his own room but has to share with his big sister (we only have a two bed house) so we've been so worried he will wake her which is really hard with the sleep training... but as my Hv said it's not like she's sitting her Exams the next day she'll be fine if disturbed!
 I should have said if he wakes at 5am for a feed he does go back to sleep till 6.30-7am so not usually awake for longer than 2ish hours...
I'm pleased my routine doesn't sound too bad! I was so worried I was doing it all wrong!
he never took a dummy until about 2 days ago when we tried again and now he seems to like is so hoping that'll help with the sucking off to sleep rather than off the boob!

Thank you again for your lovely advise I'll keep you posted!

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: Baby waking every two hours 7 months old
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2016, 20:25:57 pm »
Fantastic if he's going back to sleep after the 5am feed!  If he will take a paci you can absolutely offer that during the NW if he just needs to suck, if you are constantly having to replug it however then you are just replacing one prop with another.  Let us know how you get on!

Offline torsmitch1981

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Re: Baby waking every two hours 7 months old
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2016, 13:25:46 pm »
He did amazing!!!
He woke at 2.15, hubby popped the dummy in and off he went till 3.45 when I fed the he slept till 6am, had breakfast and then a feed at 8am! Break through I can't thank you enough!! Xx

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: Baby waking every two hours 7 months old
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2016, 14:00:03 pm »
Yay!!  Fantastic update!  Sounds like maybe he just needing some comfort sucking :)

Offline torsmitch1981

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Re: Baby waking every two hours 7 months old
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2016, 14:12:53 pm »
Yep! He now loves the dummy he hated it at first! Let's hope this continues!