Hi everyone,
I thought I wouldn't need the SLEEP board again to be honest, but I'm just discovering the joys of the 2 year regression, which I didn't know existed until recently! DD1 will be two in November and has hit every other milestone and regressions a little earlier, so I'm guessing we are now in the midst of this. We are also going through major drama and meltdowns, partly triggered I suppose by the arrival of 4 month old DD2... I've been discussing those issues over here >
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=287424.0I'd love your advice... We are seeing the following issues (in order of severity), that cropped up around 10 days ago:
1) Nap resistance, to the point of a total meltdown... It began with her not wanting to go down with her caregiver, because she wanted me. Then when I go in, she wants to cuddle and doesn't want to go into her crib. She finds all sorts of things to ask for, but nothing is really what she wants. She cries inconsolably, hysterically and really loud and she is clearly super tired and sleepy by the end of it. She wants to be stroked, then to be held... Today she fell asleep in my arms crying for the first time in over a year.
2) Night wakings, between 3 and 6am, usually 2 or 3 times. Sometimes she is easy to comfort, others I need to stay with her to go to sleep. She always wakes up hysterical, crying for mummy.
3) Resistance to sleep sack, which we used for the previous winter with no problem. She kicks off anything we cover her with, plus she doesn't let us cover her unless she's sound asleep. So I'm sure she must be cold and we can't go through winter like this. Any suggestions here? Perhaps those extra padded PJs?
4) Early waking, between 6am and 7am, when she used to sleep happily until 9am since being very small.
5) Grumpy, whiny wakings... She cries and whines and doesn't know what she wants. Usually some food will fix her mood, but she doesn't even accept that if it's not a specific thing she may or may not have in mind... This has been with us for a bit longer, a few months I'd say. It's specially intense after naps.
6) Delaying bedtime and increasing difficulty putting her down, although not as bad as naps.
Her routine until a few weeks ago used to be:
WU: 9am
Nap: 3pm (2 hours)
BT: 9-9:30pm
During holidays, bedtime became gradually later and when we returned we never managed to get back on track properly. Some nights she ends up falling asleep at 10pm. Then came the early wakings, then the nap resistance etc etc. We are working on bringing BT earlier again, closer to 9pm.
Also, just a note to say, she has been on a great EASY routine all her life. Slept through the night at 3 months, sleeps independently since 12 months and never really had any issues since, apart from the occasional bumps during past sleep regressions.
I'm finding this MUCH MUCH harder than the previous ones, since I'm also trying to keep 4-month old DD2 on her own EASY which isn't always possible with all the crying and hysterics. I am psychologically and emotionally worn out, and really don't know how to handle this phase. Do I just wait it out? Do I fight her for nap times so she sleeps alone or do I give in a few times until it passes? Is this typical behaviour of the 2 year SR or is it something more (i.e. the issues we've been discussing on the other thread re jealousy, trust, anxiety etc)? If it is the SR, how long does it last?
Looking forward to your always helpful thoughts and advice!
A desperate, really tired mum xx