Loving your name! Our little one had really bad silent reflux, so he would still regurgitate but he wouldn't actually spit it out.
The cause for his reflux was an intolerance to dairy, but there were other signs as well (always a red rash around his bottom, particularly irritable after feeding etc.)
Doctors are very ignorant to the pain and stress this is causing everyone, we fought for 4 months before anyone would listen and it took a visit to children's A&E to see a Paediatrician who would actually help.
So I would try and speak to the Dr. again, you can have a search online for altering your diet and excluding foods most likely to cause reflux and then taking it from there, but you may need to do that for around 2 weeks before you will see any difference, and then you can re-introduce those foods one by one one every 3 or 4 days or so and then see if there are any consequences.