Third baby now and naps are still the hardest thing!
My 7mo DD cannot nap for more than 30 min. I have been trying to find the correct A time but no luck. I have been aiming for a 3hr A time but also looking for sleepy cues. She wakes up happy to see me but yawning too so I know she is still tired. Sometimes I try to put her back to sleep but she can’t. I know she should be on 2 naps now but since she’s only napping 30 min at a time she naps 3-4 times. She also gets more and more cranky as the day goes by (understandably when naps are so bad
So 1 of my questions are, should the second A time be shortened if the previous nap was only 30 min long? If so, how long should it be? I’ve tried basing it on just sleepy cues but she still only naps for 30 min. I’ve also tried 3 hr A time in the morning, 30 min nap, and then 2 hr A time and she still only naps for 30 min.
She’s ebf (although starting solids) and been sleeping through the night since she was a month old (yes, I know I’m really lucky with her). Her routine is somewhat like this...
Wake and eat 7am (sometimes falls back asleep after nursing)
A 3hrs
S 10am
E 10:30am
A 2hrs
S 12:30pm
E 1pm
A 2hrs
S 3pm
E 3:30pm
A 2hrs
S 5:30pm
E 6pm
A 1.5-2hrs
Bedtime 7:30-8pm (we have to tend to her 2 older sisters so putting her down earlier isn’t always an option)
Appreciate any advice or suggestions! Thank you in advance!