Hi I have a 13 week old boy who is a happy and contended little boy. He has been on easy for the last week but is habits of waking in the night havent changed at all and I am desperate for some sleep.
He feed at 7, 10, 1, 3,4, 7 and has a dream feed at 11pm. He wakes and has done for teh last 7 weeks or so at 2am and 5am. I havent fed him at 2am for at least 6 weeks but he still wakes. He has a feed at 5am as I have trouble going back to sleep after the 2am waking as I know he is going to wake again. by 5am I just want to sleep so i give in and feed him, he the dozes back to sleep and I wake him at 7am for a feed. He only takes 2oz at this dees as he is still full from his last feed.
Spent most of today crying as I havent been able to go back and sleep after the 3am the last 2 nights and I am shattered. It doesnt feel as though the lack of sleep is ever going to get better!!!! Also worried that I could be suffering from postnatal deperession?
Any helpful tips would be gratefullly appreciated, am I losing my mind? Didnt realsie that having a baby was going to be so hard. I dont think ive got ppd as there are days when I dont feel like this and I do think it's all linked to tiredness.
Havent tried the wake to sleep method yet but will do tonight, any other suggestions on getting him to sleep for longer at night?