My lo is 10 months old and really wants table food, but no teeth. I have been giving him some finger food with his regular baby food. My question is, if I am trying to get him off the two daytime bottles, how much formula do I put in his sippy and how much of a snack? He was taking a 5 oz. bottle at those times. Yesterday, I gave him 3 ozs. in a sippy and several mandarin orange slices. Just not sure how much is too much. He is a big boy and I don't want to over feed him. With his lunch, I will give hinm Gerber veggie crackers or Gerber veggie chunks while I feed him the pureed stuff, but he can finish off a jar of chunks or lots of the crackers. I just don't know when to cut him off. If I remove him from his seat, he is fine, but moans to eat if he still sits there. Help!?