Author Topic: Meals and snack time amounts?!  (Read 2528 times)

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Offline dmills

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Meals and snack time amounts?!
« on: August 01, 2005, 14:53:55 pm »
My lo is 10 months old and really wants table food, but no teeth.  I have been giving him some finger food with his regular baby food.  My question is, if I am trying to get him off the two daytime bottles, how much formula do I put in his sippy and how much of a snack?  He was taking a 5 oz. bottle at those times.  Yesterday, I gave him 3 ozs. in a sippy and several mandarin orange slices.  Just not sure how much is too much.  He is a big boy and I don't want to over feed him.  With his lunch, I will give hinm Gerber veggie crackers or Gerber veggie chunks while I feed him the pureed stuff, but he can finish off a jar of chunks or lots of the crackers.  I just don't know when to cut him off.  If I remove him from his seat, he is fine, but moans to eat if he still sits there.  Help!?

Offline Stacie:Emma&Josh Mom

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Meals and snack time amounts?!
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2005, 17:53:06 pm »
Honestly I don't remember amounts, but I wouldn't worry about the lack of teeth.  My dd got her teeth fairly late, but was completely on finger foods by 11 months (she starts refusing the spoon around 10 or 11 months so we didn't have much choice) and it actually made life easier on me!  She fed herself most of the time with us just putting a piece in every now and then when she slowed down cause she got distracted by something.  When I was trying to remove bottles, I added milk in a sippy during mealtimes and water in a sippy all the rest of the day (including with a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack).  I'm sure someone else can help with amounts.  Good luck!

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