Hi! Yikes, I need a refresher! DS is a happy boy, great napper, and goes down easily at night. However, a few nights a week, he wakes screaming. I don't think it is pain or hunger since we had him checked for ear infection, and he has been without a night bottle for several months with no problem. If I pick him up when he is crying, he is instantly calm, and humms to himself in my arms. If I crawl into his crib (yes, I have done this :roll: ), he has trouble sleeping soundly, but is happy. If I pat him, he can calm down, but screams the minute he sees me leave the room.
I definitely do not want to accidentally parent, but I do want to respond to his needs. Anyone have any advice for this age group?
I really need a what-to-do plan so I respond the same way each time he wakes. Right now, I do pat-shush sometimes, PD sometimes, sit on the floor by the crib sometimes. I just feel like I am winging it, and things are not working. :?