Adrian has been waking up earlier and earlier in the morning very hungry. It's been going on for about a week. I served the breakfast at 5:30 this morning. :shock: And he ate like a storm. He had a good dinner too.
It used to be that when he wakes up in the morning, he can go half an hour to an hour before breakfast. This week, it was 3 minutes. He gets up (or like this morning form a crib) signs for food, goes to the highchair and tries to climb up.
How do I make the dinner last longer? Can it be a growth spurt?
His routine is something like this. It's been like this for several months:
6am - wake up
7 am - breakfast
(if it's work day, he gets another breakfast at the daycare at 7:30 )
9:30 am - snack
11 am - lunch
12-1 - nap
2:30 pm - snack
4:30 pm - dinner
6 pm - bedtime snack (I don't restrict this one, will give him whatever he wants), followed by the bedtime routine
7 pm - night night
I feel like he is eating non-stop.