At 3 mo old. Emily was sleeping 7-5 with one waking, a quick pat back to sleep or "paci pop" she'd eat at 5 and go back to sleep until 6-7. She falls asleep on her own with no assistance for naps or bed time. At 5 mo she started waking earler, out of laziness I fed her, now we are back to a 3 am feeding. She is calmed by sh-pat, but once I stop, crying starts again. I mean CRYING! This can happen several times a night, but I am determinged to cut out b/f at night (as had happened at 3 mo). If I keep sh-patting will this be a habit as a form of going back to sleep? Do i keep sh-pat? Other ideas or encouragement as I am loosing my mind. I used to have the best sleeper, and now I dread going to bed.