Author Topic: 10 mth old awake for hours in the middle of the night. help!  (Read 4019 times)

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10 mth old awake for hours in the middle of the night. help!
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2005, 03:44:12 am »
hey christie - no need to apologize. i feel your fatique and frustration. clearly, you don't condone or agree with your husband's methods and i'm really hopeful that together, we can all come up with some better strategies to help our babies learn to put themselves back to sleep at night.

update on ella: 2 nights ago she slept for almost 11 hours straight. yeah!! :D  last night, we started her bedtime routine of books and breastfeed about 8.10pm. she was asleep by 8.42 pm. she awoke an hour later. i went into her room, laid her down and she went back to sleep.  :D 45 minutes later, she was awake again.  :(  i went into her room, laid her down and she went back to sleep. :D  she awoke at 5.30am and refused to go back to sleep.  :shock: i just said forget it. i didn't have the energy or will to to the PD so we had a very early day.

yesterday, we were at the mall for a few hours so that threw off her daytime napping. (preparing to go back to work.) when i'm out of the house, i am hyper aware of the time because i do my best to keep her on her routine. we spent much longer than usual at the mall yesterday so i don't know if that affected her night time sleep. honestly, sometimes it's just a mystery. tonight, who knows. so far, so good.

i have to say though that even despite these recent sleep challenges, ella is such a happy, sweet baby. she's my sweetheart.  :D

nevertheless, if anyone has any ideas about her nightwaking and what i can do, i would love to see them posted. thanks so much.

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10 mth old awake for hours in the middle of the night. help!
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2005, 04:01:10 am »
Not sure if this would help, but maybe her bedtime is a tad too late for her?  You could start the routine at 7 or 7:30 and try to have her down by 8 at the latest.  If she's overtired, she'll wake up more often. 

Way to go on the sleep!   We have recently been through it with our almost 9 month old.  He used to sleep 11-13 hours straigh, then was waking like crazy for a few weeks.  We did pu/pd and last night he slept through! 

We've also started feeding him a lot more solids.  Hadn't really bumped it up when he started crawling and scooting.  Burning more calories, so he needed more. 

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Offline Raquel

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10 mth old awake for hours in the middle of the night. help!
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2005, 16:37:37 pm »
i think i will try putting her down earlier. thanks for the suggestion. i would LOVE it if she would consistently go to bed at this time.

i know this forum is for night wakings, but what are your thoughts on feeding? if ella has her last breastfeed at 7 or 7.30pm and wakes say 8, 9 or 10 hours later and resists going back to bed, is it wrong to feed her? i know babies her age are capable of going 12 hours straight at night without a feed but it is possible she could be sometimes hungry? (even if she's not having a growth spurt?) i don't want to instill any bad habits but i also don't want to be trying to put her back to bed if she is hungry.

she has 3 solid meals a day plus snacks and whole milk. i'm trying to wean her off breast feeds during the day. my goal is to just do a bedtime breast feed by the time i'm back to work.