My three and a half month old, Rogan, is on a good daytime routine and naps well. We just recently taught him how to sleep on his own, which has made our lives so much easier. Now we just have to swaddle him and put him in his crib and he goes off to sleep normally without any extra help from us. The problem is, he wakes up around three times a night (sometimes only twice and sometimes four times). I do worry that I'm going to him before he's fully crying and that I should wait longer in case he puts himself back to sleep and am working on that. However, often we'll go to him and he'll need to be changed and then starts screaming on the change table because he's hungry. He seems to eat full feedings when I feed him at night (he's breastfed so I don't know exactly how much is going in). I've been trying to up his calories during the day, but needs some advice as to how to start stopping the nighttime feeds. Please help, I'd love to be sleeping for longer than three hours at a time...