congratulations on your forthcoming arrival.
The advice that is often given here is that the first 6 weeks is VITAL to get your supply. Feed every 2 hours and no less than every 3 hours during the night (I used to set my alarm). The timing for a feed counts from the start to the start of a feed. ie if you feed at 7am, your next feed will be at 9am. It does seem heavy going in the early days, but your baby only had a little tummy to go for much longer than 2 / 2.5 hrs between feeds. Feed, eed, feed. When the bf mods read this i am sure they will also say that introducing formula could jeopardize successful bf in the early days as your breasts may not be stimulated sufficiently. (from my own personal exp and highinsight, I didn't feed enough in the first 6 weeks and had to work with a lactation consultant by week 7 to get a good enough supply and to be able to go to 3 hours between a feed)
I never got the hang of expressing and was never able to use it as a succesful alternative. But that's my experience. Expressing will never be a true reflection on how much you produce as a baby is far more efficient at sucking, so I know I was producing more than the measly 1oz I could pump.
Lastly, make sure that you have contact with a good lactation consultant early on, who can check on the baby's latch, give advice on positions that work for you and you baby.
Good luck and look forward to seeing you around the boards when baby arrives.