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7 months old won't eat anything!!
« on: March 25, 2006, 23:25:13 pm »
I actually don't know what issue to start with so as our little one wakes up 2 - 3 times a night, if he does go down for naps it is really inconsistent, he doesn't feed well on breastmilk during the day.... :( I really don't even know where to start!! I haven't been able to find another mom whose baby is 7 months old and still won't eat solids - any suggestions? Please help I'm so tired and frustrated

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Re: 7 months old won't eat anything!!
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2006, 07:58:06 am »
Welcome to the posts.
Have you checked out the following, they may help you.

Also try a selection of fonger foods in front of him, initally he will play then learn to put in his mouth.
Lauren x

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Re: 7 months old won't eat anything!!
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2006, 08:05:30 am »

First off...big hugs i know and totally understand how frustrating it is when you seem to have so many things to deal with and no idea where to start!!! These forums are the best place to me i have used them often with similar dilemas!!

Im no expert but here is one idea..... Perhaps post on each relevant forum ie one in the naps forum about his napping,one in the night wakings forum about his waking at night etc (different posts in each one that show what is happening).If you break down each area of concern and post for help for each you will be able to tackle one at a time with loads of support from BW forums!!!

As for the not liking arent alone.My son was put onto solids early and it has been a battle ever since.He is now nearly 8 months and he still is difficult to feed.I think all you can do is keep trying a little each day.Choose a time you will feed him,say at the hungriest point of the day for him and do this consistently,a little at a time.Once he accpets a little bit then start building on the amount.I have had problems for months feeding my boy.He used to scream and close his mouth firm shut for anything other than PUMPKIN!!!! But with perseverance he is now accepting some food. (however i need to post about his skin turning orange due to eating pumpkin alone for so long, oh the joys!!!!!!!)

Im sorry if iim no help, just wanted to let you know you arent alone and that there will be people who will be able to give you some great advice!

Take care of will all work out!!

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Re: 7 months old won't eat anything!!
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2006, 08:58:44 am »
Don't worry you will get through this that is what we are here for to help you,
Could you post your routine so we can get an overview of the whole picture.
Also what solids have you tried so far?

Natasha proud Mum to:

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Offline littlefish

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Re: 7 months old won't eat anything!!
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2006, 01:44:11 am »
Wow thank you so much for your helps to know someone out there has a baby who also won't eat!

In terms of our routine I'm just now trying to get him on a 4 hr EASY. My issues with this are that I'm worried that as a 7 month old who won't eat solids that he isn't getting enough to eat. He has always been an extremally efficient eater so he finishes eating in about 7 to 10 minutes (I have had his weight taken before and after a feed so I know he was getting enough at one time but now I'm not so sure...) so I can't relate to the 30 - 45 minute feeds talked about in the book. Also he is strictly breastmilk and has never taken a bottle - I'm trying to get him to take a sippy cup and he is showing some interest now..

Also he was only waking up once a night for the longest time and recently it is 2 - 3 times. He wakes between 11 - 12 and I feed him and he almost always wakes at 2 and 5 and I have fed him then as well. Last night I fed him at his first wake up (11) and did PUPD at the 3 (it took about 20 minutes and it worked) and then he woke at 5 and put himself back to sleep! I woke him up at 7 to feed him thinking that he would eat a lot, and while he ate more than normal it still wasn't tons. I put him down for his first nap at 8:30 and it took until 9:45 with PUPD for him to sleep! I think that was because I tried to keep him up about half an hour past when he was showing signs of tiredness. I did that because the book says to do it...Then for his afternoon nap I put him down about 12:45, again I waited as long as I could but he had shown tiredness half an hour earlier...It took about 20 minutes of PUPD for him to fall asleep so I was feeling pretty good - and then he woke 30 minutes later!! I tried PUPD as he woke up crying and seemed to be tired still but after 45 minutes he was crying harder than ever and I started to wonder if he was getting hungry. So then I ended up feeding him at 2:30 instead of 3 like the 4 hour EASY would have me do..Tonight I will feed him and put him to bed between 6:30 and 7 and if it goes as usual he should go to sleep without any issues. I'm sorry if this is too much detail on the routine but I am at my wits end...

As for what solids I have tried - Rice Cereal, Yams, Peas, Pears and Bananas...

Also here are my two questions...If he usually naps earlier than the suggested 9 and 1 should I stick to that or while I'm trying to get him on a routine should I try to watch the clock?

Also I'm confused about PUPD - I know I'm not supposed to hold when he pushes me away or arches his back but if he does that the whole time doesn't that mean that I would just be leaving him in his crib to cry if I don't pick him up when he does this?

So Sorry for the ridiculously long novel...Please help!

Offline littlefish

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Re: 7 months old won't eat anything!!
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2006, 01:50:22 am »
Sorry - one more thing. I hold ds longer than I should maybe during PUPD - but I always put him down awake. I never let him fall asleep on me. Is this still okay?

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Re: 7 months old won't eat anything!!
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2006, 09:33:09 am »
FOund this on the Pampers website, it may help ???

START SIMPLE AND GO SLOW As adults, we've learned to expect and appreciate variety in our diet. But for your baby, who is just starting out on the journey of food discovery, introducing just one new ingredient every few days is the best approach.

Step One: Health professionals advise always starting the weaning process with a little plain baby rice that can be mixed with breastmilk or formula to form an easy-to-digest, runny porridge. Simple cereals like rice or barley are good, healthy sources of iron and B vitamins, and provide useful calories for your growing baby. Three or four baby-spoonfuls is sufficient at first, and choose a time in the day when your little one is alert, calm and happy. Don't attempt to wean your baby when he is screaming with hunger. Offer the food after he has had some milk but isn't completely full.

Step Two: Once your baby is happily taking his porridge, you can start thinking about offering bland vegetables. Steam or boil, then puree them, add some of the cooking liquid, and pass through a sieve to achieve a smooth consistency. You can add some breastmilk or formula, or mix in some baby rice to make the food more palatable. Bear in mind that babies are more inclined to acquire a taste for vegetables if you delay introducing sweet foods like tasty fruit. Once your little one is happily eating his greens, you can make things a bit more fun by starting to offer sweeter options!

Step Three: Remember to always give your baby a few days to get accustomed to each new ingredient, in case there is a delayed response. If he refuses certain foods simply because of the taste or consistency, don't discount them completely, but maybe try again another day, or add them to one of his favourite foods. This is also the perfect opportunity to use fruit and vegetables you don't usually cook for yourself. As long as you take things slow, you should try to be adventurous and introduce your child to as many different tastes as possible so that, in time, he will be able to have a healthy and varied diet.
Lauren x

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Re: 7 months old won't eat anything!!
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2006, 10:35:47 am »
My lo was just 6 months before he would eat anything. I tried lots of things but he would not have any of it. I was cooking carrots, sweet pot etc etc. A friend of mine suggested I get a jar of veg food and try on that. I was reluctant as i did not want him on jar food, but after another week of struggling I tried it..lo and behold he ate it. He ate the jar stuff for a few days then I started him on my food, which he also started to eat (although with less enthusiasm!). He now eats all my food and will eat anything, chicken, lamb, liver etc etc. So it may be worth trying this.
He is now also sleeping through the night which he NEVER did before 6 months.

Offline littlefish

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Re: 7 months old won't eat anything!!
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2006, 16:22:13 pm »
Thank you!
I also don't want to start Leif out on jarred foods for fear that he won't eat any of the foods I prepare him. I also wanted to give him veggies before anything else so he wouldn't be used to the sweetness of fruit or blandness or cereal first. It helps me to know that you were able to give your baby jarred and he went back to your food...thank you JoC...

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Re: 7 months old won't eat anything!!
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2006, 19:54:03 pm »

First of all big hugs, you're dealing with so much at the same time and must feel awful.

Well done for sticking with PU/PD during the night.  It's so hard not to feed when you know you can be back in bed asleep within 10 or 20 minutes if you do and it obviously paid off and worked which is a great achievement.  Now you know your LO can go without that feed it should be a reassurance for you next time he wakes - you'll know you're not starving him by not feeding him which I know is always in the back of my mind.

I would say that 8.30am is a little early for a 7 month old to go down for a nap.  What tired signs was he showing?  My DS yawns way before he actually has his nap, not like when he was little and I had to get him straight to bed.  I have a 6.5 month old and he's just started going down at 9.30am after waking at 7am.  I'd say his reluctance to go to sleep was more to do with not being ready to bed than being overtired.  I would also say this - PU/PD used to work fantastically when my DS woke early from a nap but since he got to about 6 months old nothing will get himback to sleep once he's fully woken from a nap.  It still works at the start of a nap or bedtime or during the night but not once he's decided his nap is over.  Occassionally he'll put himself back to sleep (I don't go to him if he's fussing) but less so these days.  If your LO is pushing away with PU/PD it's probably because he's trying to settle himself.  Have you tried putting him down and trying to calm him in his crib?  With DS I lay him down and put my hand on his chest, sometimes holding his arms and legs too if they're all over the place and say exactly the same things I say when I pick him up.  Usually he tries to settle and I don't have to pick him up but when I do I pick him up, reassure him and put him straight back down.  When you say you hold him for slightly longer, how much longer are you talking about?  I sometimes go for another 30 seconds or so if I think DS needs the extra reassurance.  I personally wouldn't be too strict about the times in the book as the EASY routine in there is only an average and you have to figure out what works for your baby.  I found the example routines on the top of the EASY forum more helpful and you'll see that babies the same age do a whole variety of things and very few do exactly what's in the book.

I'll attach links to a couple of websites you may find useful.  The first is an article written about baby-led weaning which basically involves introducing finger foods from the start and letting baby self-feed once they're developmentally able to pick up and put suitable foods in their mouths.  As your LO is slightly older it may be an approach worth considering.  We didn't stick to the principles strictly as I also gave DS mashed foods but I let him grab the spoon and put it in his own mouth so it's kind of the same thing.  Here's the link;

The second link is to Kellymom which is an expert breastfeeding website.  It explains that a baby is ready for solids between 6 and 8 months and that your little one is still getting all the nutrients they need from breastmilk, though for your own reassurance I understand you'd like to see some progress on the solids soon!

I hope some of that helps.

Kelly x
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