OK this one will have so many views.my girls both used ours.dd1 never crawled but did bum shuffle at 6 months, and walked on her first birthday she loved the walker,she was never left alone,she had no stairs to fall down as we then lived in a flat,she was able to follow me around which helped me alot as she hated being left on the floor so to me it was a godsend.dd2 loved being in it too,but she would move herself she just sat there.she crawled late around 9 months and didn't walk until 20 months so i think if a child is going to develop late then they will regardless as to what you do with them or put them in.always remember always stay close,and never leave them alone,and try not to leave them in it for too long at one time.i never brought mine a friend gave it too me not sure if i would have ever brought one myself,i suppose if you don't have something its easier to say that your lo developed fine without it.its the same as when i was pregnant with dd1 i wanted to use dummy as everyone i knew did but mil went on for nearly 9 months about how dummies are for lazy mothers so didn't use one in the end {boy i wish i did}everyone has different views about different things.good luck.do you have a door bouncer?they are good and very portable.